

Accreditation of Online Learning Programmes

Accreditation of Online Learning Programmes

In January 2018 HKCAAVQ Council approved the implementation of an accreditation service for online learning programmes. This service is applicable to both local and non-local online learning programmes seeking recognition under the HKQF. The current accreditation standards for Initial Evaluation (IE), Learning Programme Accreditation (LPA) and Re-accreditation (re-LPA) under the Four-stage Quality Assurance Process will be used to accredit online learning programmes. Operators may seek accreditation of their online learning programmes, subject to the standard accreditation fee as listed in the Fee Schedule.

Evidence Guide

For details of the additional evidence requirements, please refer to the evidence guides of the accreditation units as appropriate.

Workshop on Accreditation of Online Learning Programmes

HKCAAVQ offers “Workshop on Accreditation of Online Learning Programmes” from time to time. If you are interested in joining the workshop, please visit the link below regularly for the latest information.


More information

Eligibility Requirements

Operators meeting the following eligibility requirements can apply for accreditation of their online learning programmes:


For local online learning programmes

A local institution/organisation that wishes to have a local online learning programme accredited and award its own local qualification must have previously been accredited by HKCAAVQ and have a valid IE or Institutional Review (IR) status and have a track record of delivery of at least one accredited programme.


For non-local online learning programmes

A non-local online learning programme that leads to an award of a non-local qualification must have been registered or exempted under Cap. 493 (Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance). When the registration requirements under Cap. 493 are not applicable, the Operator is required to provide relevant evidence to demonstrate that a comparable quality assurance mechanism is in place in the home country to assure the standards of the programme offered offshore are at a level comparable to a programme conducted in the home country leading to the same qualification.

Definition of Online Learning Programmes

In cases where a programme is delivered through a digital learning platform to provide structured teaching, learning and assessment, and the programme has more than 50% of instruction delivered online, such a learning programme is defined as an online learning programme. When undertaking accreditation of online learning programmes, Operators are required to provide additional evidence applicable to the context of online delivery.

For enquiries, please contact 3658 0242 (Academic Accreditation and Assessment) or 3658 0211 (Vocational and Professional Accreditation).